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It's a Fashion Constructor!
Assemble your outfit with 40+ mockups of clothes, shoes, hats and accessories.
Insert your design into the smart object & choose an item of clothing to complete your creative look.
Mix & Match
40+ Apparel Elements
Accessories, hats, tops, bottoms, shoes - all these details of a fashion constructor to create a unique outfit design

How to create costumes?
In each of our products you will find a text file of instructions with links to video tutorials,
where you will learn how to create outfit combinations & customize each element of clothes item.
14 Premade Outfit Included
Use special automation for Photoshop to quickly create costumes in one click:
- soccer uniform;
- basketball uniform;
- chef uniform;
- delivery guy uniform;
- laboratory outfit;
- sports outfit with a T-shirt;
- sports outfit with a windbreaker;
- motorcyclist suit;
- casual outfit with a hoodie;
- casual outfit with a wool coat;
- business suit;
- summer outfit with a shirt;
- summer outfit with a tank top;
- spa outfit;
Premade Outfit included
Use special automation to quickly create costumes in one click